Upcoming shows

Sept 12: Powerhouse Band Fest '09, Chennai.
evening show. not matinee.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This time we were loaded with weapons

February 28, 2009 - After a disastrous night at Love Rock, we entered Red Shift Cafe with our weapons: prayer, prayer, prayer and prayer. Young people started flocking in. Capstone Ministry's 'Think Space' - a youth discussion brought people together sharing their opinions on the Ram Sena's moral policing. It was headed by Paul Victor, aka Rock Priest, the founder of Capstone Ministry. 

In the mean time we were all getting set to punk the place. After a small word of prayer we took the spot, plugged in and bang...we hit the power riffs. We played Change our first single and was overwhelming to see people sing the chorus along with us. A complete cafe setup, the people with coffee and sandwiches in their hands, found them tapping their feet wanting to break out jumping and screaming. We still kept the energy levels high and played back to back peppy songs including Life is Good by Stellar Kart. David was on the lead guitars bringing out the punkness within. Lloyd's energy level shot up even his lightening rods didn't help him keep the sound low. In the midst of all this Anant was multi-tasking playing the bass and trying to get all sounds right in place. And that was the first half. 

Ivan, the co-ordinator of Red Shift Cafe shared a brief message. A volunteer of Red Shift shared her testimony and sang a song.

Anant plugged in the accoustic guitar and opened the second half of our show with Spirit by Switchfoot. It was unplanned but fell in place really well. Talk to Jesus was the new song in our bags for the evening. It was followed by Run to the One a different version. We tried something new. After all the slow songs another peppy song was needed to end the show. So, Anant started thumping the bass doing a small solo and moved in to Take a Turn...and we rocked till the end.


February 21, 2009 - Our first gig of the year got busted by cops...no..no...neighbors. Christalaya, Koramangala hosted the 3rd LOVE ROCK featuring the bands Souls Kitchen, X Marks the spot and us. The church band headed by Santhosh and Anupa opened the evening with a few praise songs. Songs of love filled the place as the show continued. It was about 8 30 pm and it was our turn to rock. We plugged in and started punkin out with 'Here to Rock' our intro. Unfortunately we had to wind up our act with just two songs (Change and Everdays) that woke the living hell out of the neighbors. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Everybody wants to see the world change
Watching the chaos on the television
Off the couch, we're still the same
Everyday we plan to make a difference
Stirred up deep inside and hidden
Can I? Should I?

We blame, We Wait
We blame, We wait

Hey! Let's be the change
To see a change
Let's shine His light

Everyday we do a lot of preaching
'Feed the Poor', 'Stop the war'
Outside the walls, it remains a plan
So here we stand with another chance
To remember what Jesus said
'You're the light of the world'

Don't blame, Don't wait
Don't blame, Don't Wait

Hey! Let's be the change
To see a change
Let's shine His light